Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hi. Welcome to my very first blog post. To start, here's a little background -- My name is Sarah, I'm 24 years old, and I've been dealing with chronic health problems for about ten years now. But that is not what this blog is mostly going to be about. If you know me (or if you don't) and are interested in updates on my health, please visit my dad's page at sarahmarshallupdates.blogspot.com.

What I really want to do in "Laugh Like Sarah" is just let the world know what I'm thinking. I spend most of my days absorbing media in some form or another, so I'm sure if you keep reading you will find commentary on tv and movies. I've also been a pastor's daughter all my life so I'm sure issues of faith and religion will find their way in too. The challenge for me will be to conquer my inner critic and post frequent, honest, uncensored messages. I received some great encouragement to start this blog in the first place and I hope it will be worth your while to read it. Wish me luck . . .

"Now Sarah said, 'God has brought laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me.'" ~Genesis 21:6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love your blog title and Bible reference