Monday, November 26, 2007

Inner "Critic"

When I looked at the blank screen before beginning my last entry, I really thought that all I had to say was - "I finally started to play the piano again. It went pretty well." Turns out, once I started talking, I couldn't stop. This is a problem I often have in real life and I'm doing my best to transfer it to this blog. I really want to write like I would talk to a friend, since I know I have a few reading this! What I have working against me is my pesky perfectionism (more on this later, I'm sure).

Does anyone else remember the animated series from a few years back called "The Critic"? It starred Jon Lovitz as a very picky movie critic. Well, I'm beginning to feel like Jay Sherman is living in my head shouting, from time to time, "it stinks!" With this written form, I find myself wanting to fix everything and turn it into an english assignment instead of a conversation, which is really what I want it to be. So, I guess this is fair warning to anyone who might plan on sticking around - I may let myself run off at the mouth (or keyboard or whatever) a bit in future. In fact, I hope I do.

A little good news for those who are following along - I have been practicing piano a lot. In fact, I think I missed it more than I realized. Also, I've already re-learned just the right hand part of that "Rent" vamp. It's a start and makes me feel like I've accomplished something, which is really half the battle sometimes. I hate feeling stagnant. So . . . yay progress!


Jonathan Rundman said...

Hey Sarah!

I linked to your blog from my most recent blog post..check out our lovely photo.

Yes, when blogging, it's helpful to silence the critic. Here's a helpful HOW TO BLOG post that I refer to's funny and crass, but very motivating.

I'm reading!

Jonathan R

Pastor Steve said...

Love your blogs -- check mine out at Printed out a copy for Grandma Marshall. She sends her love.