Wednesday, December 5, 2007


It's snowing, huzzah! It seems somehow appropriate for the first December blog to be about snow, though in the Baltimore area, you often have to wait much longer for something worthy of the name. We've actually gotten a few inches on the ground way before Christmas, which makes me happy. I actually got out of bed first thing this morning (and by morning I mean almost noon) and ran outside to catch a few flakes and throw a few snowballs. I'm glad to be living out in the country a bit where the snow actually stays white. White snow was sort of a revelation for me when I moved at the age of seven from inner city Baltimore to rural Gettysburg. Now we're back in Baltimore county which is nice because we can go to the theatre and get good Greek food, but there are trees and the snow stays white. I just wish we got more of it. But then again, I never have to worry about driving in it . . .

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